
Sunday, June 3, 2012

How to report Number of Archived Items and Size

There are various options you have for reporting Number if items in archive and size of archive. Lets check these possibilities
Option 1
1. Go to VAC [Vault Admin Console] 
2. From Admin Console go to Storage Group –> Store –>Right Click—> reporting
Option 2
Run below query against EV Store Database

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Find when the archives are created

Below query will will list result of date when the archive accounts are created for all users who belongs to a particular store. Rename ‘VaultStore’ to your Vault store database name before running the query.
SELECT A.ArchiveName, AP.CreatedDate
FROM EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive A,
EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R,
VaultStore.dbo.ArchivePoint AP
WHERE A.RootIdentity = R.RootIdentity
AND R.VaultEntryId = AP.ArchivePointId
ORDER BY A.ArchiveName

Friday, June 1, 2012

How to find Count of items archived per Archive

If you ask me ‘How to find count of item archived since certain dates & archived by a specific archiving task? Oh! its not that easy, I would say. But I always feel that there is a solution for each question!
As far I know the only possible way through we can achieve this goal is by writing a SQL query, below query will help you to find ‘number of items’ and ‘Size of items’ archived into a specific store from each Exchange server/task. You have to change the Vault Store DB name and desired date before running this query.